Northrop Grumman Corporation and the National Geographic Channel and the San Diego Air and Space Museum teamed up to build a full scale World War Two era Horten 229 Flying Wing. One of the "wonder" weapons the Third Reich was trying to build to turn their losses into victories again. It was too little, too late for World War Two. This recreation is to be unveiled as part of the Museum's World War II Gallery on June 24th.
The Documentary entitled "Hitler's Stealth Fighter". In one of the top-secret facilities in Germany as that nation felled under the Allied advance, American troops discovered a advanced jet-propelled unlike anything ever seen before. The flying wing design now known as the Horten 229. Unknowingly, the design was what we now know as Stealth technology.
Northrop Grumman aeronautical engineers along with National Geographic Channel personnel worked from original plans and prototype to reconstruct a full-scale replica of the jet and determine what it's stealth capabilities would actually have been.
Building the Horten was a modern day challenge-even using old time-tested materials and techniques to build it. Then once it was completed, the flying wing was trucked out to the Mojave Desert and set up on top of a 5-story pylon on the Northrop Grumman test range. All sorts of radar were aimed at the Horten 229 and the test results recorded. And for more details, you will have to watch that program "Hitler's Stealth Fighter" on June 28, 9pm EST/PST.
Ref. San Diego Air and Space Organization ( http://www.sandiegoairandspace.org/upcoming/horton_wing.html).
National Geographic.com ( http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/hitler-s-stealth-fighter-3942/Overview?source=redir_stealth).
AW&ST ( http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/hitler-s-stealth-fighter-3942/Overview?source=redir_stealth).
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