And where there is water that can exist on the surface of a world, then there is the chance for life there.
Dr. Xavier Bonfils, from Grenoble University in France, who lead the international team researching the red dwarfs/super Earths said the following: "Because red dwarfs are so common - there are about 160 billion of them in the Milky Way - this leads us to the astonishing result that there are tens of billions of these planets in our galaxy alone." end quote.
The international team looked at 102 red dwarfs using the European Southern Observatory's 3.6 meter telescope located at La Silla, Chile.
Quoting the article: A total of nine super-Earths - planets with masses between one and 10 times that of Earth - were found. Two were located within the habitable zones of the stars Gliese 581 and Gliese 667 C. end quote.
THe team also discovered that giant planets like Jupiter or Saturn were rare around red dwarfs. Less than 12 percent were expected to have such "gas giants."
ANd now for the most important bit of news from this news article. The science team estimates there are about 100 habitable zone planets within 30 ligh years of Earth.
Check out the link below to view the entire article.
1. Telegraph.co.uk. "New 'life in space' hope after billions of 'habitable planets' found in Milky Way" by Telegraph writers(unnamed). March 28, 2012. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/9170683/New-life-in-space-hope-after-billions-of-habitable-planets-found-in-Milky-Way.html).