NOTE: Well, I would have published this article on my other blog (theshanksdimension.com), but the bandwidth has just been exceeded and I am now waiting on that to be corrected.
March 26, 2010. A South Korean sentry looking out to sea towards one of their warships, the ROKS Cheonan, reported that he witness a 100-meter high "pillar of white flash" for about 2-3 seconds. The ship was damaged by the explosion that cause a CVK (Center Vertical Keel). What this means is that the shockwave and bubble effect of the underwater explosion cause the significant upward bending of the ship where ships are not normally suppose to bend.
On the main deck, there was a fracture around the large openings used for maintenance of the equipment in the gas turbine room and upward deformation was present on the port side of the vessel. Also, the bulkhead of the gas turbine room was significally damaged and deformed. The bottoms of the bow and stern sections at the failure point wre bent upward-proving that an underwater explosion took place. Everything about the damage to this vessel indicates it was hit by a severe shockwave and bubble effect that cause the ship to split in to-sinking it.
The BBC published excerpts fromt he report and that makes for interesting reading. Three bullet points will be posted here from that article-
*ROKS "Cheonan" was split apart and sunk due to a shockwave and bubble effect produced by an underwater torpedo explosion.
*The explosion occurred approximately 3m left of the centre of the gas turbine room, at a depth of about 6-9m.
*The weapon system used is confirmed to be a high explosive torpedo with a net explosive weight of about 250kg, manufactured by North Korea...
North Korean small submarines and a mother ship were in the area 2-3 days prior to the attack. Torpedo parts recovered at the site of the explosion (by dredging ship on May 15th) recovered the 5 x 5 bladed contra-rotating propellers, propulsion motor and a part of the steering section. These match perfectly the schematics of the CHT-02D torpedo included in the brochures provided to foreign countries by North Korea for export purposes.
This quote is also pulled from the BBC article, it is the final paragraph - Based on all such relevant facts and classified analysis, we have reached the clear conclusion that ROKS Cheonan was sunk as the result of an external underwater explosion caused by a torpedo made in North Korea. The evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that the torpedo was fired by a North Korean submarine. There is no other plausible explanation. end quote.
This now leads up to this bit of news: South Korea accused its so-called neighbor to the north of firing a torpedo that sank a South Korean warship-killing 46 sailors. The worst military disaster since the end of the Korean War.
President Lee Myung-bak has vowed "stern action" for this provocation after the release of documents from the multinational investigation into the March 26 sinking of the ROKS Cheonan.
Now the truce prevents South Korea was waging a unilateral military attack on the north (and supposely, the North cannot unilaterally do the same to the south).
Government officials from both South Korea and from the United States also said they are considering a variety of options in response to the warship's sinking, ranging from U.N. Security Council action to additional U.S. penalties.
Quoting the APnews article here: The exchange of war rhetoric raised tensions, but the isolated communist regime - already under international pressure to cease its nuclear weapons program - often warns of dire consequences against South Korea or Washington for any punitive steps against it. Its large but decrepit military would be no match for U.S. and Korean forces.
The impoverished country is already chafing from international sanctions tightened last year in the wake of widely condemned nuclear and missile tests. U.N. sanctions currently block funding to certain officials and companies, while North Korea is barred from exporting weapons and countries are authorized to inspect North Korean ships suspected of carrying illicit cargo. end quote.
I'm going to put my two cents in here now... North Korea doesn't care about the sanctions that other nations put on it. They are thumbing their noses at the world.
UPDATE (May 23, 2010): New American intelligence report dealing with the sinking of a South Korean warship by the North Koreans concludes that it was Kim Jong-il, the reportaly ailing leader of North Korea, who authorized the torpedo attack. This is based off of the American sense of the North Korean political dynamics - not hard evidence. For more on this, read the actual article in the NY Times by David E. Sanger (May 22, 2010). (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/23/world/asia/23korea.html?hp).
UPDATE 1 (May 25, 2010): I copied this links update from my other article dealing with the Deepwater Horizon sinking and the possible mini-sub attack thereof. Now we listen to the sabers now rattling. News links about South Korea and the USA gearing up. From MSNBC (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37309788/ns/world_news-asiapacific/). Then this from Breitbart (http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.425f30f7af55f75115ed7394018dccda.481&show_article=1). And this from Yahoo News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100525/ts_afp/skoreankoreamilitarynaval_20100525112017). photo from AFP pool photographer Lee Jae-Won.
Ref. May 20, 2010. "NKorea warns of war if punished for ship sinking" by Jean H. Lee and Hyung-Jin Kim (AP), (http://apnews.myway.com/article/20100520/D9FQGC2G0.html).
Aerospace Technology Paranormal and UFO News. May 5, 2010 "North Korea and Recent Gulf of Mexico Oil Rig Sinking Theory" by shanksow (http://aerospacedreams.blogspot.com/2010/05/north-korea-and-recent-gulf-of-mexico.html).
BBC news. May 20, 2010. "Excerpts: South Korea ship sinking report" (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/asia_pacific/10130309.stm).
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