Monday, May 17, 2010

Does it Work Or Not? The US Antimissile Shield Program

The current President of the United States is all for the U.S. Antimissile Defense Shield. The one he critized under the previous Bush administration.

But now he is all for it. But it might not yet be really operational.
President Obama has his heart set on the SM-3 rocket-powered interceptor as part of his push to reduced this nations nuclear arsenal. But critics from M.I.T. and Cornell have their doubts about the new system.

Basically, the SM-3 has to hit the incoming warhead-problem might be with this is that the incoming nuclear warhead might still detonate when the impact takes place. Ooops!?

Say it ain't so Uncle Santa! For the rest of the article, use the link below.

Ref. The New York Times, "Review Cites Flaws in U.S. Antimissile Program" By William J. Broad and David E. Sanger, May 17, 2010 (

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