Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hitch a Ride with China - Maybe?

America is hell bent on retiring the space shuttle fleet in 2010 no matter what.  At least to me it seems. So, if the U.S. astronauts cannot hitch a ride with the Russians, then maybe with the Chinese.

At least that idea was floated by the presidential science adviser John Holdren, the ehad of the White House Office of Science and Technology, in an interview posted on Science Insider - a webblog with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Holdren underscored the fact that President Obama's administration wants to retire the shuttle in 2010.  When that happens, there will be a five-year gap in US manned spaceflight capability until Orion/Aries is operational.  And Holdren also hinted at the possibility of hitching a ride with the Chinese.  But that is currently depending on America's and China's relationship.

Holden also talked about the formation of a space council if the "thorny civil and military space issues" to assist President Obama in decision-making process.  As to how it will be structured, that still has to be worked out.  But Holden said, "But there will be a space council." 

Ref.  Space.com, April 16, 2009.  Article by Leonard David "U.S. Astronauts Might Hitch Rides on Chinese Spacecraft."  (http://www.space.com/news/090416-china-shenzhou-astronauts.html). Image was in association with teh Space.com article.

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